Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I got home an hour ago, and I'm still in Valentine overdrive. Things that have made me smile today:

1. Poems. Not just anyone can crank out a Shakespeare-caliber sonnet, but my friends in AP Statistics can really show their love in sweet couplets:

Snowflakes are white, but slush is just grey.
I hope that you'll be my Valentine today!

Roses are red. Violets are blue.
This class is so hard. I don't have a clue.

Sudafed, Claritin, Crack, Tylenol...
Your love is the drug that I need most of all.

Roses are red. Violets are purple.
Not blue...

Needless to say, this was a productive class today.

2. Food. Baking food. I bake ALL the time. I just made these for a party tomorrow. However, I'm quite partial to blondies, maybe because I'm, well, blonde, but also because they are so easy to make, and so easy that I can make any variations (banana blondies>banana bread). And yesterday I was baking for a while, too (but I can't say WHAT I was baking because that would spoil a surprise for someone who might read this post.)

3. Songs. In honor of it being Valentine's Day, here are some of my favorite LOVE songs:
Make You Feel My Love. Yes, I know it was originally Bob Dylan's, but Adele sings it soOoOo beautifully
Whistle for the Choir. It just makes me smile.
This is what my choir does for Singing Valentines. I was serenaded with it my freshman year, and today I led my group around the school singing to other people :).
•I know the French Edith Piaf version is the classic, but you canNOT tell me this rendition isn't good.

4. My AP Psychology homework. I have to write something nice about each person in my class. Tomorrow everyone gives their compliments (typed on pieces of paper) anonymously.

5. Reading for fun. I'm in Group Interpretation again! This year we're doing Coraline, so I'm reading the book again, even though I know the story, even though I've seen the movie and received the script, because I want to!

6. Recommendations. PLEASE. Give me some poems, songs, recipes, or book titles that have made you smile. Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Loveee your list poem and Valentine's Day! Great post mel :) I too enjoyed the poetry in stats today, and I'm a huge fan of the Psych assignment. It's so exciting to do something nice and fun for Valentine's day, I feel like we haven't gotten that chance since elementary school. As for Singing Valentines, I was looking forward to them all day today and you guys were amazing!! :)

    Due to my own personal post, in terms of song recommendations two good ones are:

  2. Thank you, Jamie! And these are such sweet songs. You're great.

  3. LOVED this post. So cute and happy, And I loved your song recommendations, especially "Make You Feel My Love". You've got a new follower:)


    Ammaretti Tiramisu:

    Can You Keep a Secret? by Sophie Kinsella

    James Taylor and Carly Simon singing "You Can Close Your Eyes":
